Personal Information Policy

Gala Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "Company") handles personal information obtained through all of the services we provide in accordance with JIS standards (JISQ15001) and the Personal Information Protection Law, and in compliance with our Privacy Policy. Please refer to our Privacy Policy as well.

(1) Compliance with Laws and Regulations

We comply with the "Act on the Protection of Personal Information" and other laws and regulations governing the handling of personal information, as well as the "Telecommunications Business Law" and the "Guidelines for the Protection of Personal Information in the Telecommunications Business" issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications based thereon.

(2) Personal information

Personal information means information that identifies an individual (information that can identify an individual by name, gender, date of birth, address, telephone number, e-mail address, etc.) that is retained by the Company.

(3) Purpose of use of personal information

We use the personal information we receive from our customers for the following purposes:
・For recruiting activities
・To manage shareholder information
・To conduct stock administration
・To respond to inquiries
In addition, the Company may receive and manage personal information from contractors in accordance with the above purposes of use.
The Company will not use personal information for any other purposes without the consent of the customer.
However, this does not apply when required by law or when it is necessary to protect the life, body, or property of a person. In addition, we may ask for personal information in order to provide you with information that meets your requests, etc. In such cases, we ask you to provide the information at your own choice, except for some required fields.

(4) Protection and Management of Personal Information

To ensure that personal information entrusted to us by our customers is not lost or damaged, we have established personal information protection regulations and related rules and regulations, and strive to manage such information appropriately. In addition, the Company strives to raise the awareness of its employees and others who handle personal information by periodically providing them with training and education on the protection of personal information.
In the event that we outsource the operation of our website or the use or management of our customers' personal information to a third party, we will strictly supervise and manage the handling of personal information by such third party.
With respect to personal information stored on our servers, we take reasonable security measures to prevent unauthorized access to personal information and the loss, misuse, alteration, or leakage of personal information.

(5) Acquisition of Personal Information

When using any of the services provided by the Company, customers are asked to provide personal information. In addition, the Company's web server records access histories (logs) to the Company's website.

For some of our services, we may request that users under the age of 18 register with the consent of their parents or guardians when they use our services and enter their personal information. Please be aware that we may not be able to provide certain services if the required personal information is not provided, or if the information is false. We collect the IP address used when your computer connects to the Internet for the purpose of website management.
The IP addresses obtained on our web server are used only for the purpose of preventing unauthorized access, enabling rapid identification of the cause and recovery in the event of a failure of our web server, and for the appropriate and safe management and operation of our services. The Company will not use or disclose the IP address in connection with the customer's personal information.
We will also collect information about your use of our services, but we will not use or disclose this information to identify you personally. However, we may use IP addresses to identify individuals when we deem it necessary to do so in order to protect our website or our customers.

We may use cookies to provide you with a higher level of service.
Cookies are intended to make our services more convenient for you when you visit our website again, and they do not violate your privacy or have any adverse effect on your computer. You can set your Internet browser software to reject all cookies or to indicate when a cookie is being sent. However, such settings may prevent you from using our website comfortably.

We record information about your access history, such as your IP address, on our server. This information is used to monitor for unusual accesses and to improve our website, etc. As with personal information, in principle, we do not disclose this information to third parties.

(6) Provision of Personal Information to Outside Parties

We will not provide personal information received from customers to third parties other than our affiliates, subcontractors, and business partners without the consent of the customer, except when required by law or when necessary to protect the life, body, or property of an individual. In the event that we disclose or provide personal information to our affiliates, subcontractors, or business partners, we will appropriately manage the personal information by, for example, entering into a confidentiality agreement in advance.

(7) Requests from customers to disclose, correct, or delete personal information

If you need to disclose, correct, or delete your personal information, please contact us at the address below. We will contact you to discuss your situation and guide you through the necessary procedures. In addition, if you do not wish to receive information from us by e-mail, direct mail, or telephone, etc., please contact us at the email address below.

Inquiries to
Personal Information Protection Manager, Gala Inc.
E-mail address (

(8)Protection of Information Outside the Company

The scope of this Personal Information Policy is limited to personal information that we obtain directly from our customers or from contractors. It does not apply to websites and services of other organizations or companies that are linked to our website.
We are not responsible for the protection of your personal information on such websites and services.

(9)Continuous Improvement of Personal Information Policy

We will comply with laws, regulations, and other rules related to the protection of customers' personal information, and will continuously review and improve our handling of personal information.
Revisions will be notified by reflecting them in this Personal Information Policy.

End of Document