GALA Group's logotype combines a red and a blue rhombus with a modern, glyphic-style wordmark.
The red and the blue rhombus shapes symbolize the heritage of GALA Group. The combination of the wordmark with the refined glyphic form represents the 30-year heritage and the corporate spirit of Gala Group, moving in a new direction beyond the boundaries of online and offline.
The new GALA Group will transform into a company
that gazes toward the future cutting-edge innovations,
encompassing present and future, online and offline,tech and environment.
Logotypes have a set width of space when used individually.
This is to ensure that they remain independent from other elements and maintain own identity.
In principle, use spot colors designated as Pantone Colors and defined by CMYK Colors and RGB Colors.
The color system consists of two heritage colors and one new GALA Group color as the main colors,
and the green color is the prominent application symbolizing the Group's new direction, ESG.
Choose a logo that is convenient for you according to the environment in which the logo will be used.